Color Hunter is a brilliant endless arcade game in which you take control of a colourful snake. Your snake can only hit the same objects as its own colour – for example, if the snake is red, you can only hit red objects. If you hit any other colour, you will die! You can eat the glowing dots on the screen for a speed boost and it will also help you destroy objects quicker. There is no end to this game – you must simply try and see what high score you can accumulate! The graphics are cool and the endless gameplay will make you try and beat your high score!
Take control of the colourful snake today!
1. A fun endless arcade game.
2. The main character is a snake
3. Various coloured obstacles along the way
4. In each attempt, if you fail, you can continue the game for one time at the cost of stars.
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Color Hunter是一款精彩无尽的街机游戏,您可以控制色彩缤纷的蛇。你的蛇只能击中与自己颜色相同的物体 - 例如,如果蛇是红色的,你只能击中红色物体。如果你碰到任何其他颜色,你会死!你可以吃掉屏幕上的发光点以提高速度,它还可以帮助你更快地摧毁物体。这场比赛没有尽头 - 你必须简单地试着看看你能积累多少高分!图形很酷,无尽的游戏玩法会让你尝试击败你的高分!
如果你喜欢这款精彩无尽的街机游戏Color Hunter,